Counselling and Psychotherapy Guidance Center for Children / Students / Youth

शालेय, महाविद्यालयीन व आयुष्यातील कोणत्याही स्वरुपाची परिक्षा असो यश मिळवण्यामध्ये स्वभावदोष आणि मानसिक कटकटी हे दोन महत्वाचे अडथळे आणतात. स्वभावदोषामुळे व मानसिक त्रासामुळे मनाचा, विचारांचा, आचारांचा मार्ग नकारात्मकतेकडे झुकतो आणि यश अधिकच दूर जाऊ लागते. काही स्वभावदोष हे जन्मताच किंवा अनुवांशिक असतात तर काही परिस्थितीजन्य असतात. वयापरत्वे आणखी तीव्र होत जातात. अशा परिस्थितीत त्या व्यक्तिला रागावणे, शिक्षा करुन काहीही त्याच्यावर परिणाम होत नाही कारण स्वभाव दोष त्यांच्या व्यक्तिमत्वाचा अविभाज्य भाग बनत जात आसल्यामुळे त्यांना त्याचा काहीही फरक पडत नाही. त्या व्यक्तिंना राग की शिक्षा करणे यापेक्षा त्यांना तज्ञ व्यक्तिकडून सल्ला मार्गदर्शन व अचुक नैसर्गिक आयुर्वेदीक चिकित्सा पध्दतीचा उपचार देण्यात हुशारी असते. विद्यार्थ्यांना यशाचा कानमंत्र, मंत्र समजावून सांगण्यासाठी. पालकांना जागरुक करण्यासाठी यश मिळवणे ही समस्या न ठरता आनंदाचा प्रवास ठरण्यासाठी श्री विश्वदत्त आयुर्वेदचे मुल, विद्यार्थी, युथ, प्रौढांसाठी यांचा स्वभावदोष, मानसिक दौर्बल्य यावर मात करण्यासाठी यथायोग्य सल्ला, मार्गदर्शन व आयुर्वेदिक उपचाराच्या सहाय्याने मानसिक समस्या व स्वभावदोषावर मात करुन जीवनामध्ये प्रगती साधता येते. मानसिक समस्या व स्वभावदोष आपल्या प्रगतीमध्ये अडथळा करु शकतात, परिस्थिती बदलने शक्य नसले तरी मनःस्थिती बदलने डॉ. अरविंद मेहरे यांच्या सल्ला, मार्गदर्शन व आयुर्वेदिक उपचाराच्य सहाय्याने नक्कीच शक्य आहे.
अपयश आल्यावर त्याची चिकित्सा करत बसणे मुलांना रागावणे, शिक्षा करणे, या ऐवजी अगोदरपासून त्यांना नैसर्गिक आयुर्वेदिक औषधे व योग्य मार्गदर्शन यातून बाहेर पडता येते.
‘अपयशातुन यशाकडे’ – या स्वरुपचे प्रयत्न स्तुत्य असतात यात शंकाच नाही पण त्यापेक्षा श्रेष्ठ मार्ग आपण निवडू शकतो, त्याचे नाव आहे, “सुरुवातीपासून यशाकडे” हा अधिक उत्साहजनक आणि प्रेरणादायक मार्ग आहे.
खालिल तक्रारींवर अनुभवसिध्द सल्ला, मार्गदर्शन, आयुर्वेदिक औषधी व पंचकर्म उपचार
शिकविलेले लक्षात न रहाणे
एकाग्रतेचा अभाव असणे
आत्मविश्वासाचा अभाव
अभ्यासात चालढकल, आळस, झोपाळुपणा
अभ्यासाला सलग न बसणे विसरभोळेपणा
जिद्द प्रयत्नशिलतेचा अभाव
उत्तरपत्रिका लिहितांना वेळ कमी पडणे
परिक्षांची, मुलाखतीची भिती वाटणे
अपयशामुळे निराशा
भ्रम, भास, अतिसंताप, अतिचिडखोरपणा
मुड्स भराभर बदलणे
मतीमंदत्व, मंदबुध्दी, जडबुध्दी
भीती, नैराश्य
अकस्मात / दुर्देवी घटनेचा मनावर परिणाम
Psychotherapy can help your child now with the problems of childhood so that they don’t later become his/her problems of adulthood.
Many parents come to the Child and Family Guidance Centre with non-acceptance of their child’s problems. While all children experience difficulties as they grow up, those whose troubles are more than the troubles of other children around them, may be in need of help. Many problems are transient and require only short-term help. Early help can prevent the development of more serious problems later on. Decades of research clearly show that children who have undergone counselling sessions fare much better as adults than those who go without help. The outlook is bleak for the unguided child, with a host of problems surfacing in adolescence and adulthood. The decision to seek help can be eased when parents consider what daily life for their child would be if ignored . The struggle is not only in school but at home and socially, too. “
Counselling can help modify behaviour so that daily life is more manageable and enjoyable. Many parents are in the false hope that their child may come off these problems as they grow up which is absolutely not true and has been proved by decades of research.”
What do we as Clinical and School Psychologists do ?
As Clinical Psychologists, we are uniquely trained and qualified in the behavioural, emotional and psychological development of your child. As School Psychologists too, we have been qualified and trained for the assessment, academic development, and enhancement of your child.
Hence, we can assist Children / Youngsters/ Adults with concerns of Education, School / College, behaviour, emotions, family, etc. We utilize talk therapy, group therapy, behaviour modification, behavioural techniques, study-skills techniques and so on, to help bring about positive changes in children.
Our Speciality Areas
Percentage Enhancement
Confidence building programme
On going for children with challenging or appositional behavior difficulties
Interventions for management of school refusal
Assessment, management and help of ADHD
Assessment and complete help for anxiety disorder and depression
Boosting self esteems and inner strength
To improve social communication skills
Intervention for learning difficulties
Personality development
Special programme for special needs or gifted and highly intelligent children
Behavior Modification
Mental Diet programme
To Improve IQ with the help of natural ayurvedic remedies
Perfect Assessment Diagnosis & Intervention for child who have or all suspected of having an Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Dyslexia & Mental retardation

Your life and your happiness is based on your career. That’s the reason a lot of emphasis is given on choosing the right career. Right career choice puts you on the success ladder and helps you grow financially, socially and mentally. The three critical factors needed to keep in mind while making career choices are, an individuals interests, intelligence and personality. Career counselling and guidance helps in precisely identifying these three critical factors and help the individual choose the right career path. After assessing the student’s/individual’s capability based on his/her strength, weakness and overall interests a career action plan is drawn along with the parents, student/individual and various career options are discussed.

We may occasionally feel sad, low, or anxious, but as the time passes, these feelings pass within certain period of time. The prime symptoms are feelings of anxiety, sadness, loneliness, worthlessness, restlessness, fatigue, irritability, loss of interest in life, thoughts of suicide, persistent pain and agony. All these symptoms interfere with daily life. Depression and anxiety is treatable with counselling and psychotherapy.

Unreasoning fear or Phobia, is like a fear gone wild, robbing a person of reason. The difference between a phobia and a sensible fear is the panic that grips a phobic person. One of the cruelest aspects of a phobic is that it can dominate a person’s thoughts even when the person knows the fear is irrational and it will not harm. The fear of exams, that most students face, also known as Exam Phobia is very common. A student may get blank during an examination due to anxiety. People who seek treatment have an excellent chance of ridding themselves of phobias. Psychologists, use a variety of techniques, all of which try to demonstrate that there is nothing intrinsically fearful about the dreaded object or situation.

Anger is often the outcome of our own unsatisfied desires and expectations. Unfulfilment of desires and expectations lead to anger. It is not any out side element that makes us angry. The element that makes us angry is within us. If we understand that anger is the by product of our own faulty thinking, we can control it. The basic idea of controling anger is to develop stronger tolerance power. By Psychological Counselling, we infuse positive thoughts and attitude to keep anger in control.

Though successful and intelligent, sometimes we may tend to have a feeling of lacking something . We may feel inferior to others, but when that feeling takes charge of our behaviour and emotions then it’s time to examine our life, look closer into our subconscious and figure out why we feel those weird feelings. It might be the false belief that you have formed in past about yourself. Getting over inferiority complex is not that hard with the help of our confidence buiding therapies.

All children are active, but a few are extraordinarily so and are considered hyperactive. They may be diagnosed as suffering from Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder. They may sleep only a few hours at a time. When awake they are constantly in motion, darting from one activity to another. Because their attention-span is extremely short, learning is blocked. Child psychology has a variety of techniques like psychotherapy, counseling, exercise and diet which can ease the problems and be of great help.