Fever simply means high body temperature. In children temperature above 37.5 C (99.5 F) is fever. Most fevers are caused by infections or other illnesses. Fever is the response of the body to the bacteria or viruses to fight off the infection.
Ayurveda describes fever as Jwara roga. It explains that imbalance between kapha and vata dosha leads to development fever. High Kapha in the body leads to cold and excess vata reduces the digestive fire because of which person feels chills during fever.
Common fever or Jwar in Ayurveda is of thirteen types. They are basis the vitiated dosha such as vata, pitta, kapha, vata-pitta, vatta-kapha, pitta-kapha, tridoshaja, and agantuja (extrinsic – due to infection or other reasons) etc.
Depending on the associated dosha other related symptoms besides rise of temperature are observed on the patient suffering from the illness

The high body temperature or fever is caused by several pathogens and diseases such as
- Upper respiratory tract infections (RTIs)
- Viral infections
- Tonsillitis
- Flu
- Ear infections
- Urinary tract infections
- Dehydration
- Chicken pox
- Whooping cough
- Measles
- Mumps
- High temperature
- Low energy
- Pale face
- Loss of appetite
- Body ache and muscle pains
- Headache and eye pain
Fever as a symptom of a more serious underlying condition should be identified and treated accordingly. Risky symptoms include shortness of breath, vomiting, loss of consciousness, fits or seizures, rashes etc.
Ayurveda management recommends light food at the beginning stage of all fevers except those of vata type. This increase the digestive fire and stimulates the stomach to take the heat out from the periphery. Simple diet and lifestyle tips can help strengthen the immune system and protect the body further.
Internal medicine
Dipan chikitsa
Pachan chikitsa
Navjwar chikitsa
Jirn jawar chikitsa
Immuno booster therapy
- Include ginger as it lessens excess kapha and refurbishes agni.
- Included spices such as cinnamon, liquorice, basil and cloves in your diet
- Give your child light, nutritious food like vegetable soup or steamed vegetables with little spice.
- Avoid foods like cheese, yoghurt, milk, oily and spicy junk foods and sweets
- Soups are recommended such as hot chicken soup, Vegetable soups
- Include wholesome food such as whole grains and steamed vegetables
- Sponge the body and forehead with lukewarm to cold water
- Give adequate rest to the body
Language disorders can have many possible cases. Although your child language disorders may be the primary concern it is often secondary to a medical condition or disabilities may include a brain disorder like injury or tumor , Autism other may include birth defects such as Down syndrome, Fragile X- Syndrome or Cerebral palsy problems in pregnancy or birth , such as poor nutrition , fetal alcohol syndrome, early birth or low birth weight may lead to language disorders some times language disorder have a family history.
It is important to know that learning more than one language does not cause language disorder in children. But a child with language disorder will have the same problems in all languages.
Ayurvedic approach towards language disorder reflected as Vata Prakruti which is an important function of Vata Dosha & to be precise Vdana Vayu a subtype of Vata dosha. The indriya (Sense organ ) responsible for language is vagindriya ( Tongue ) that acts passively after receiving command from the shira ( Brain ).
Even though the production of language is governed by doshas & mana ( psyche ) is responsible for fine understanding of subjects for that our Special Ayurvedic Medicine Formulation have a good results.