Puberty: in Girls & Boys
Puberty is the process of physical changes through which a child’s body matures in to an adult body. It is initiated by hormonal signals from the brain to the gonads: the ovaries in a girls, the testes in a boys. In this stage a time when child’s body went through a lot of changes.
Sure most of us know telltale signs of puberty – hair growth in new places, menstruation, body odor, lower voice in boys, breast growth in girls, physical growth, height and weight in both.

Puberty in girls:-
There are different types of stages in girls puberty as
Stage first:
This stage start typically after a girls age 8th. There are not any noticeable physical changes in this stage.
In this stage the brain is just starting to send signals to the body prepare for changes.
Stage second:
In this stage start beginning of physical development. Hormones begin to signals throughout the body. This stage usually start between girls ages 9-11.
The first signs of breasts called buds start to form under the nipple. They be itchy or tends with is normal. In addition, the uterus begins to get larger and small amounts of pubic hair start growing on the lip of the vagina.
Stage third:
Physical changes in girls usually start after age 12. These physical changes are becoming more obvious. These changes include-
– breast budss continue to grow and expand
– pubic hair get thicken and curlier
– hair starts forming under the arm pits
– acne may appear on the face and back
– hips and things start to build up fat
– the highest growth rate so height begins
Stage forth:
In girls this stage usually starts around age 13. In this stage puberty it in full swings and girls are noticing many changes as-
– breast take and a fallen shape passing to the bud stage
– many girls get their first period
– height growth will slow down
– pubic hair get thicker
– acne appear on face and back
Stage five:
In girls this stage usually starts around age 15, this is final stage to make the end of physical maturation.
The changes in the stages as-
– Breast reach approximate adult size and shape
– periods become regular after 6 months to 2 years.
– pubic hair fills out to reach the inner thighs
– reproductive organs and genital are fully developed
– hips, thighs and battocks fill out in shape
Puberty in boys
There are different types of stages in boys during boys puberty
Stage first:
This stage start typically after boys age 9 to 10. There are not any noticeable physical changes for boys.
In this state the brain is just starting to send signals to the body to prepare for changes.
Stage second:
In this stage the starts begining of physical developments. In boys puberty stage usually start round age 11.
In this puberty stage, in boys, testicles and skin around the testicles begin to get bigger and also early stages of pubic hair forms under base of the penis.
Stage third:
In this puberty stage in boys typically start around age 13.
In this stage, physical changes are becoming more obvious. The changes are include-
– penis gets longer as testicles continue to bigger
– some breast tissues may start to form under the nipples
– boy begin to have wet dreams
– voice begins to change
– muscles get larger
– height growth
Stage forth-
In boys, this puberty usually starts around age 14. In this puberty stage is in full swings. Changes include-
– testicles, penis and scrotum continue to get bigger
– scrotum will get darker in colour
– hair start forming under the armpit
– deeper voice becomes permanent
– acne may start to appear
Stage five:
In boys, this puberty stage starts usually around 15. This is final phase of the end of physical maturation.
Changes include:
– Penis, testicles and scrotum will have reached adult size
– pubic hair filled in & has spread to th inner thighs
– facial hair will start coming
– increase height will slow down
– muscles may still be growing
Changes occur in puberty in boys and girls
Both boys and girls can experience emotional and physical changes that-
– mood swings and behaviour problems
– anxiety, tiredness, and irritability
– confusion, aggression, depression
– sensitivity
– negative thoughts or feeling upset
– acne
– gynecomastia
– anaemia
– sexually transmitted disease
– scoliosis
– vision changes
– musculoskeletal injuries
– dysfunctional uterine bleeding
– bloating or swelling in the abdomen and pain in abdomen
– bone growth and mineralization
– weight changes
– headache
– irregularity in period
– heavy blood flow in period
– early and late menarche
– hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, hormonal changes
– genetic changes
– attraction begins
As per Ayurveda
In Ayurveda term puberty for child or adolescent period must of the Ayurvedic samhita considered balyavastha it is considered up to 16 year.
According to susrutha samhita ‘Bala’ upto 1 years is called ksheerapa & from 2 to 16 years is called Annada, but in arogyakalpadruma, balyavastha is considered upto 12 years of age.
In kasyapa samhita, in this Sanhita 12 16 years is considered as koumara stage. According to Acharya Charkha, the the balyavastha divided into parts in which first was Aparipakwa dhatuna avastha up to 16 years.
There as others consider 10-16 years as kaishora stage. Hence puberty period of children adolescence can be taken as the last stage of Balyawastha.
Immature stage that is puberty stage include adolescence period. In this period, maturation might have already started but not fully developed. Hence the puberty period can be considered as the meeting point of Balya and Yuvana.
In bhalya stage, dhatus are in the developing stage. Acharya charaka described this stage as vivardhamana – developing stage. This is Kapha predominant stage. Growth and development in teenage period in both sexes. The changes happening in this stage can be explained on the basis of development of Dhatus. There are many hormonal secretions take place considered as pitta mental and social changes happening here can be attributed to the mental faculties of Dhaturaratha.
We can conclude that property age is a crucial phase in which various mental and physical changes take place in child. It’s a huge task of pediatrician to counsel the child in this phase and describe properly about the changes going on this phase are normal. Otherwise they may suffer from many psychological problems like depression and anxiety etc. Causes school absentees, lack of concentration & confidence.
Ayurvedic treatment to puberty
Internal medicine
– Manovah srotas chikitsa
– Medhya rasayan chikitsa
– Sangyasthapan chikita
– Satvavajay chikitsa
– nasya
– shirodhara
– abhyangam
– Lepan
Meditation and motivation
Yoga and Pranayama
Ahar (Diet) – (Pathya – Apathya)